Businesses & Employers
Get Involved
Advisory Committees
Some Career Technical Education (CTE) education programs partner with business and industry to form Employer Advisory Committees. Employee advisory input is a vital part of the instruction process as it keeps classes updated and relevant in today’s work environment.
Advisory Committees help with employment conditions and trends, curriculum development and review, and instructor qualifications. Advisory Committee members sometimes help with public relations by acting as a community liaison or by sponsoring students with worksite learning and job placement.
Tri-Valley Educational Collaborative (TEC) educational members sponsor Employee Advisory Committees in the following areas listed by Industry Sector:
- Arts, Media and Entertainment (Visual Communication)
- Education, Child Development, and Family (Early Childhood Development)
- Energy and Utilities
- Engineering & Design
- Fashion & Interior Design
- Finance and Business
- Health Science and Medical Technology
- Information Technology (CIS/Computer Networking
- Technology)
- Marketing, Sales and Service
- Public Services (Administration of Justice)
- Transportation (Automotive Technology)
If you have interest in serving on one of these committees, please contact Roanna Bennie at Las Positas College, 925.424.1103 or Heather Mortelli at Tri-Valley ROP, 925.455.4800.
Student job shadows/Internships
We have students excited to work in your industry! Share your career passion with a student.
- Job Shadows
A job shadow is an activity often planned through the high school Career Centers. A job shadows last several hours up to one work day and give a student the opportunity to observe a career in its natural habitat. Job shadows give students a real-life look at careers. - Internships
An internship involves students working in their expected career field either during the school year or over the summer. Internships may be paid or unpaid. Learning by doing and being exposed to professionals working in the field provides valuable experience, a professional reference, and may lead to a future position.
Mentor Students
- GetSet (Girls Exploring Technology, Science and
Engineering Together)
GetSet is an extra-curricular enrichment group for high school girls interested in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) related careers.
The group encourages girls to explore STEM careers using hands-on workshops and fieldtrips to local universities, businesses and laboratories that are involved in non-traditional careers for women. For additional information contact the program director at or one of the high school Career Centers. - DPIE Vocational Mentoring Program
Mentor Program – Dublin and Valley High School students attend a series of lunchtime presentations given by local business and community volunteers who share their career knowledge and professional experiences, offer students “real-world” perspective and guidance. - Junior Achievement
JA Worldwide is a partnership between the business community, educators and volunteers – all working together to inspire young people to dream big and reach their potential. JA’s hands-on, experiential programs teach the key concepts of work readiness, entrepreneurship and financial literacy to young people all over the world. Find out about Junior Achievement in the Tri-Valley. Each of our school districts participate in JA.
Mock Interviews
Our schools need your expertise! Many of our schools hold mock interviews to give students real-world feedback on their interviewing skills. This process helps with job and college interviews. Contact a high school Career Center for addition information.
Join TEC
For additional information about TEC, contact Roanna Bennie , via email or at 925.424.1103.
Employ a Student
Employability Certificate
The Tri-Valley Educational Collaborative (TEC) has developed an “Employability Certification” program for high school students to help them prepare for the real world of employment in their future. This certificate ensures that students have achieved Employment Literacy Standards though a rigorous set of criteria which demonstrate to potential employers that they are ready to enter the world of work. Components include:
- an acceptable Letter of Introduction
- a resume unique to their personal knowledge and experience
- a set of references to attest to their skills and personal character
- letters of recommendation
- work samples from their high school classes
- a mock interview and accompanying evaluations
- a thank you letter to the interviewer
- a student self-evaluation of basic workplace skills (SCANS)
Employers in the Tri-Valley are learning about the benefits of hiring these students who come poised, prepared and ready to learn. The high school career centers in all three districts have additional information about this program.
Post a Part-time Job Opening
Each school maintains a Job Board, usually found in the Career Center. To post a job call:
Amador Valley High School (Pleasanton) – 925.461.6128
Dublin High School (Dublin) – 925.833.3360
Del Valle High School (Livermore) – 925.606.4709
Foothill High School – 925.461.6606
Granada High School (Livermore) – 925. 606.4783
Horizon High School (Pleasanton) – 925.426.4275
Las Positas College - 925.424.1355
Livermore High School (Livermore) – 925.606.4871
Valley High School (Dublin) – 925.828.6227
Village High School (Pleasanton) – 925.426.4260
Vineyard High School (Livermore) – 925.606.4799
Become a Business Partner
Current Business Members
- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- Sandia National Laboratory
- Tri-Valley Business Council
- Dublin Chamber of Commerce
- Livermore Chamber of Commerce
- Pleasanton Chamber of Commerce
- Dublin Partners in Education (DPIE)
- Pleasanton Partners in Education (PPIE)
- Livermore Valley Education Foundation
- Carpenters 46 Northern California Counties J.A.T.C.
- One Stop Career Center, [email protected]
- Alameda County Public Works Agency
- Tri-Valley Foundation
Advantages of being a Business Partner
- Take a role in developing Career Technical Education
- Develop Future Employees
- Share your view of the skills needed in your industry.
- Offer your knowledge of career and Industry trends.
- Share your expertise with educators and students
- Become a key player in designing Career Pathways.
- Network with Tri-Valley Business Partners.
- Join TEC
For additional information or to join TEC, contact Roanna Bennie via email or at 925.424.1103.
Links and Resources
Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary
Skills – SCANS
In 1990, the Secretary of Labor appointed a commission to determine the skills our young people need to succeed in the world of work. The commission’s fundamental purpose was to encourage a high-performance economy characterized by high-skill, high wage employment. Although the commission completed its work in 1992, its findings and recommendations continue to be a valuable source of information for individuals and organizations involved in education and workforce development.
Department of Labor: What Work Requires of Schools
Industry Sector Websites
TEC Career Technical Education Pathways
Tri-Valley Regional Occupational Program (ROP)
TVROP offers a variety of hands-on classes for high school juniors and seniors that develop the skills necessary for employment success. ROP classes are designed to sequence into related post-secondary education or directly into business and industry. TVROP courses are held primarily on the high school campuses and are included in the TEC Career Technical Education Pathways. These classes are career-technical offerings and students are able to earn credit in the same manner as other high school elective classes. Some classes also satisfy the “a-g” college admission requirements and/or receive college credits for successful completion of the class. For additional information and course offerings see or contact the Career Center at one of the local high schools.